start the new year with $clarity$ and $strength$
Let's make January a month that grounds, organizes and offers new perspectives - with conscious nutrition, sustainable solutions and a clear focus on the essentials. We will support you in getting the most out of this season and shaping your everyday life in harmony with nature .
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New Year without pressure:
It's not about strict resolutions, but about small, sustainable changes that will do you good in the long term.

The beginning of the year is the perfect opportunity to pause, take a deep breath and make room for something new. But instead of letting ourselves be pressured by strict New Year's resolutions, we can take a gentler approach - inspired by the philosophy of Zen. Zen stands for clarity, simplicity and mindfulness. By organizing our home, we not only create a tidy space, but also a clear head and more balance in everyday life.
Im Winter spüren wir oft die Auswirkungen des fehlenden Sonnenlichts: Müdigkeit, Antriebslosigkeit und eine getrübte Stimmung. EinVitamin-D-Mangelkann das Immunsystem schwächen, die Konzentration beeinträchtigen und sogar den Winter Blues verstärken. Doch du kannst deinem Körper helfen
More $Inspiration$
View allDer Jahresbeginn ist die perfekte Gelegenheit, innezuhalten, durchzuatmen und Raum für Neues zu schaffen. Doch anstatt uns von strikten Neujahrsvorsätzen unter Druck setzen zu lassen, können wir eine sanftere Herangehensweise wählen – inspiriert von der Philosophie des Zen. Zen steht für Klarheit, Einfachheit und Achtsamkeit. Indem wir unser Zuhause ordnen, schaffen wir nicht nur einen aufgeräumten Raum, sondern auch einen klaren Kopf und mehr Balance im Alltag.
Our tips will help you to keep things in order both at home and in your head -
from a well-organized kitchen to mindful moments for body and soul
Use the healing power of nature and discover how natural ingredients not only improve your well-being but also enrich your home in a natural way.
Homemade cleaning products are not only better for the environment, but also for you. They contain no harmful chemicals, reduce packaging waste and often cost less than conventional products. You can also adapt the ingredients to your needs - and even choose the scent yourself.
A well-organized refrigerator saves time, money and stress - and helps prevent food waste. With our info sheet , you'll learn how to cleverly sort food and store it optimally to preserve its freshness.