The Art of Zen - Order in the Home, Order in the Head

The beginning of the year is the perfect opportunity to pause, take a deep breath and make room for something new. But instead of letting ourselves be pressured by strict New Year's resolutions, we can take a gentler approach - inspired by the philosophy of Zen. Zen stands for clarity, simplicity and mindfulness. By organizing our home, we not only create a tidy space, but also a clear head and more balance in everyday life.

Why Order Is So Much More Than Tidying Up

Chaos in our environment can lead to unrest within us. Piles of papers, overflowing kitchen cupboards and unused objects are often not only physical obstacles, but also mental ones. Creating order is therefore not just a task, but a ritual of self-care. It's about shedding ballast, creating clarity and concentrating on what's important.

Our favorite multifunctional jars can be a valuable help. They are not only practical storage aids, but also a stylish and sustainable choice for organizing your everyday life. Whether for supplies, DIY cleaning products or small everyday items - our jars bring structure and beauty to your home.

New Year's resolutions rethought: mindfulness instead of perfection

Many of us start the new year with big resolutions: doing more exercise, changing our diet or completely revamping our home. But how often do we fail to achieve these strict goals? Instead, we can redefine New Year's resolutions - as mindful steps that will do us good in the long term.

Start with small changes: sort your supplies, organize your kitchen and use clear structures to bring more calm into your everyday life. Our Lieblingsglass help you store supplies clearly and in a space-saving manner. At the same time, creating order with these jars almost feels like a meditative ritual - every jar finds its place and your head becomes lighter.

Creating Order – a Zen Ritual for Everyday Life

Zen teaches us that the path is more important than the destination. In the same way, we can experience tidying up as a mindful ritual:

  1. Take your time : Instead of frantically tidying up, consciously set small goals. Maybe you just organize your spice cabinet or your supplies today.

  2. Sort out : Ask yourself for each item: Do I really need this? Anything you no longer need can be donated, given away or recycled.

  3. Use organizational aids : Our Lieblingsglass are perfect for stylishly storing loose contents such as rice, lentils or nuts. The clear view of the contents means you always have everything in view.

  4. Create peace : Organize your surroundings and then enjoy the peace that comes from a tidy home. Sit down with a cup of tea and let the moment take effect.

General tips for a tidy kitchen:

Regular cleaning:

Regularly go through your kitchen cabinets, drawers and storage containers and remove anything that has expired or is no longer needed.

Clear organizational systems:

Use clear containers, labels and storage solutions to keep your kitchen utensils, spices and food neatly organized and easily accessible.

Optimal use of space:

Make efficient use of existing storage space by using vertical shelves, hooks and storage solutions to make use of even the smallest nooks and crannies.

Cleaning and maintenance:

Keep your kitchen clean and tidy on a regular basis to avoid clutter and chaos. Schedule regular cleaning routines to keep your kitchen appliances and countertops clean.

You can find out more in our guide to the kitchen makeover: