Become a sourdough pro

How to achieve the trend in no time

Discover the sourdough world

Healthy, absolutely delicious and, thanks to our starter set, also very easy to make. Bake your own sourdough recipes.

To the set

sourdough bagel

Maybe not quite New York style, but just as good. Bake your own sourdough bagels at home.

To the recipe

sourdough bread

A must for every Sunday brunch: a delicious sourdough bread. A sure success with our starter. Here you'll find tips and a recipe.

Tips & Recipes
sourdough guide

In our sourdough guide you will find out everything you need to know about baking with sourdough. What advantages baking with sourdough offers, how to prepare your starter and how to care for it properly. There are also three incredibly delicious recipes that you can conjure up with sourdough!

Worth knowing

sourdough 1x1

What is a starter, how do you make one, what does active mean, how do I keep it alive, etc. These and many other questions are answered here.

to the article
yeast recipe

Did you know that you can make your own yeast? All you need are dates and water. You can use it to bake pizza dough or yeast bread.

How to Ferment

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