4 natural immune boosters: ginger shots, probiotic salads and sprouts

It's cold season again! It's now even more important to strengthen your own immune system and take preventative measures. To help you get through the winter fit and healthy, we'll show you our favorite natural immune boosters.

4 natural immune boosters

1. Ginger shots

An all-time favorite and absolute miracle weapon for sore throats or a slowly creeping cold. Ginger inhibits inflammation, particularly due to its spiciness, the so-called gingerol, strengthens the immune system and thus protects you from colds. Combined with lemon and turmeric, you have a real immune-boosting vitamin C bomb that will get you through the winter. We like to combine it with carrots, oranges and other healthy winter fruits/vegetables.

By the way: you can save a lot of money with homemade ginger shots: for just under €2.50 you get about 200 ml . In comparison: a ginger shot from the supermarket costs about the same - for a single shot.


Freezing ginger shots

Absolute insider tip : Freezing ginger shots as cubes is super easy with our stainless steel ice cube tray . Mix, pour into the ice cube tray, freeze and easily remove from the tray using the lever. Then store the small cubes in a glass in the freezer and have them to hand at any time when a cold is coming on.

All you need in one set: In our immune booster set you will find 4 glasses, drinking straws and our ice cube tray.

The mold is dishwasher safe, taste-neutral and multifunctional (e.g. for freezing leftover tomato sauce, colorful ice cubes for drinks or small snacks with peanut butter).

Important: Do not put the ginger shot cubes in boiling water , because lemon loses a lot of vitamin C when the water is boiling hot. So be sure to use warm water or let the ginger shot cubes thaw.

2. Probiotics

Have you ever fermented ? Fermentation transforms many foods into real immune boosters. Fermentation creates so-called probiotics.

Probiotics can also be found in yogurt or in our favorite: sauerkraut . The lactic acid bacteria are a real immune booster and can be easily combined with dinner "spoon by spoonful". Our tip: ferment sauerkraut in a jar and use the sauerkraut broth as a dressing for the salad. You can find a recipe for an immune booster salad dressing on our blog.


3. Sprouts

Small seeds become small vitamin boosters in just a few days. You probably know cress, right? You can also grow radish sprouts, rocket sprouts or basil sprouts from small seedlings. The small sprouts are not only a super tasty highlight on your bread with cream cheese or as a topping in a salad, they are also incredibly delicious.

Instead of fresh radishes or arugula, the small sprouts are spread on your food - it's hard to believe that the small sprouts really taste the same as the "finished" vegetables/herbs.

You can get started right away with our sprouting jar starter . You can find more information about sprouting on our blog.

immune booster_sprouts

4. Smoothies

Colorful smoothies - quickly mixed with our blender ! You can mix your favorite fruits together as you please and you'll have all the vitamins in your glass. How about a berry smoothie or mango turmeric ?

Smoothie_Immunbooster_Favorite glass

What are your immune boosters?