New Year's Eve drink with festive ice cubes
Christmas is over, but the next party is already upon us: New Years Eve! So that you don't have to spend a long time in the kitchen at the New Year's Eve party, but can still serve a very special drink , we have a great recipe for you today! For a plastic-free and delicious start to the new year .

The festive highlight is: fancy ice cubes. Not just made of water, but filled with pomegranate seeds and mint . Simply prepare these and freeze everything. When your guests arrive, all you have to do is take them out of the mold, pour in sparkling wine and tadaaa, the delicious New Year's Eve drink is ready!
The colorful ice cubes spice up every drink and turn it into an egg catcher in no time.
Prepare fancy drinks instead of spending a long time preparing them
The stainless steel ice cube tray is great for preparing drinks. The practical lever makes it easy to remove them from the tray. Made of stainless steel, there is no plastic, BPA or plasticizer in your ice cubes. You can also easily clean them in the dishwasher .

There is also no guarantee that any taste or smell will be transferred to the ice cubes, as stainless steel does not absorb odors or tastes like plastic does. The stainless steel mold is also much more robust than plastic molds and can be reused for many years.
The sustainable alternative: stainless steel ice cube tray
The stainless steel ice cube tray is available together with four Oleni Mason Jars 500 ml wide and 4 stainless steel straws in our Cocktails & Drinks Set . So you have everything you need for your New Year's Eve drinks.

By the way: You can not only make extraordinary ice cubes in the mold, but much more! For example, delicious desserts like peanut butter cups or practical ginger-lemon cubes for quickly prepared ginger shots.

Recipe: New Year's Eve Drink
What you need:
- pomegranate seeds
- fresh mint
- sparkling wine
- ice cube tray
And this is how you make the ice cubes:
Fill the pomegranate seeds and a few mint leaves into the ice cube tray. Then pour water over it until it is covered to the brim. Put it in the freezer for a few hours. Then you can simply break out the cubes with the lever and fill them into the glasses. Top everything up with sparkling wine and enjoy! :)
Tip: As soon as the ice cubes are frozen, you can remove them from the mold, pour them into a glass and put them back in the freezer. This way you can prepare more ice cubes straight away and are guaranteed to have enough for the whole evening.

You can find another delicious drink idea - a grapefruit mocktail - here. And if you're invited to a friend's house: how about a small gift in the glass ?
Happy New Year!