Bad Organizing - #3 Getting Organized

Have you also been hit by the organization fever? How to organize supplies optimally organized and in Refrigerator We have already shown you in the last 2 posts how everything is clearly sorted. Missed it? Then check out all the posts on the topic of order on our blog .

Now it's time for the bathroom! You've probably experienced it too - full bathroom drawers with all sorts of odds and ends. In the morning, you often rummage around in them for ages until you finally find the right brush or cream.

We'll show you how you can get ready much faster in the morning with a neatly organized bathroom and how you can easily keep things in order!

Organize the bathroom

First of all, everything has to come out of the drawers. Sort out anything that has expired, give away or recycle anything that is not used. Now it's time to get things in order: divide the drawer into areas such as make-up areas, creams, masks, make-up removal utensils, hair utensils and remove everything from the shelf at the top.

The drawers are now filled using exactly this system, with one big difference: use containers instead of putting everything loose in the drawer. This saves so much time later because there is no need to search and everything is clearly sorted.

Keeping the bathroom tidy

So simple, but so effective: beautiful bathroom accessories! With uniform bathroom accessories, keeping things tidy is so easy and twice as much fun!

For example, it could look like this:

1st soap dispenser and hand lotion in glass

Looks chic and can be refilled at any time. A uniform look automatically ensures more order! Try it out! You can find instructions on how to make your own liquid soap or hand lotion on the blog.

2nd Mason Jar toothbrush holder

Toothbrushes and toothpaste can be placed in the glass and no longer have to be hidden.

3. Small utensils in a Mason Jar

Small utensils can be stored decoratively and practically in our Mason Jar glasses. Cotton buds fit perfectly in the small Mini Jar , cotton pads and hair ties remain in the Oleni Mason Jar 300 ml optimally tidied and even small hair clips, hair ties etc. find their place in the glass.

4th brushes and paintbrushes

Facial brushes and paintbrushes can be stored in the Oleni Mason Jar 500 ml . It is best to pack them right next to your make-up basics that you use every day.

5. Hairdryer and Co.

Glass in the bathroom has one big advantage: you can see immediately what is in the glass. Of course, not everything can be stored in it. That's why larger wooden boxes are not only visually attractive but also help to keep things tidy as dividers.

What are your tips for a tidy bathroom?